Sounds of Summer
July 11–Aug. 29, 2024
We’re on the road again for our summertime tour through the wide world of music, featuring everything from our favorite hits to rediscovered deep tracks. Join us as we celebrate the nearly forgotten—but now lauded—sounds of The Zombies in Hung Up on a Dream, and the singer-songwriter extraordinaire behind Lost Angel: The Genius of Judee Sill. Take a look back at one of the most instrumental figures of the Jazz Age with the recently restored Artie Shaw: Time is All You’ve Got, and dive into the calypso scene with a vibrant restoration of One Hand Don’t Clap. Along the way we’ll toast to a few anniversaries, with screenings commemorating the 60th anniversary of The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night, the 50th anniversary of Sun Ra’s Afrofuturist experimental jazz work Space is the Place, and the 40th anniversary of the beloved Talking Heads concert film Stop Making Sense. Don’t miss out on special events like a new presentation from the Bob Dylan Center, or a day-long jazz celebration culminating with—what else?!—but the unmatched classic Jazz on a Summer’s Day.

This series is sponsored by:
The Lucille & Paul Maslin Foundation
Janet Maslin
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