Trailblazing filmmaker Madeline Anderson, often credited with being the first black woman to produce and direct a televised documentary film, believed that film must inspire social change. We’ll show two examples of her influential work: her first film, Integration Report 1, a 1960 examination of the struggle for black equality; and I Am Somebody, a document of a 1969 struggle for labor rights in Charleston, SC, led by 400 black female hospital workers, featuring a rousing speech from Coretta Scott King.
Two Shorts by Madeline Anderson
Two Shorts by Madeline Anderson
Q&A filmmaker Madeline Anderson via Skype
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
Q&A filmmaker Madeline Anderson via Skype
Monday, Jan. 20 2020, 5:00
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Madeline Anderson is an American filmmaker, television and documentary producer, editor and screenwriter. An early collaborator of documentarians Richard Leacock, D.A. Pennebaker, and Shirley Clarke, Anderson is best known for her films Integration Report 1 and I Am Somebody, the latter of which garnered national and international acclaim. She is the first black woman to produce and direct a syndicated television series as well as one of the first black women to join the film editor’s union. Her film I Am Somebody was recently added to the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.
This film is part of the REMIX: The Black Experience in Film, Media, and Art series.
This series is presented with generous support from:
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