A work-in-progress screening of a new Jonathan Demme music film. From the man who has brought us some of the greatest concert films ever made, including Stop Making Sense and Neil Young: Heart of Gold! We can’t say anything more, so come to the show and see for yourself!

Jonathan Demme's Next Music Film
Jonathan Demme's Next Music Film
Tickets: $15 (members), $20 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the Sounds of Summer: New Music Documentaries series.
This series is sponsored by:
- The Lucille and Paul Maslin Foundation
- Janet Maslin and Ben Cheever
The exclusive media partner of this series is:

Coming Soon
On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
Opens 3/21
Opens 3/21
The Penguin Lessons
Opens 3/28—Tickets on sale now
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Opens 4/4