Summer is a carefree teenager whose world is turned upside down when her mother abruptly converts to Islam. Though initially resistant to the faith, Summer eventually realizes the religion is more complex and fluid than she thought. Her desire to remain untethered to any one way of being soon clashes with her mother’s rigid interpretation of the faith, exacerbating a growing rift between them. The charming and insightful debut feature from Nijla Mu’min, named one of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film 2017 by Filmmaker Magazine.
Q&A filmmaker Nijla Mu'min with film writer Tayler Montague
Tickets: $12 (members), $17 (nonmembers)
Q&A filmmaker Nijla Mu'min with film writer Tayler Montague
Thursday, Jul. 19 2018, 7:00
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
This film is part of the REMIX: The Black Experience in Film, Media, and Art series.
This series is presented with generous support from:
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
September 5
Opens 1/31
I'm Still Here
Opens 1/31
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens 2/7