In her feature debut, filmmaker Rebeca “Beba” Huntt boldly explores her own identity in the remarkable coming-of-age documentary and cinematic memoir Beba. Using the documentary form to retrace her childhood and adolescence in New York City as the daughter of a Dominican father and Venezuelan mother, Huntt investigates the historical, societal, and generational trauma she’s inherited and questions how those ancient wounds have shaped her. Poetic, powerful, and profound, Beba is a courageous, deeply human self-portrait of an Afro-Latina artist searching for answers and healing.
Click here for an English/Spanish PDF featuring Nuestro Cine programs from Jan–Feb 2024.
Hacer un clic aquí para obtener un PDF en Español/Inglés que detalla los Nuestro Cine programas de Ene–Feb de 2024.