Jazz Sessions: Beyond the Notes
May 29–June 19, 2019
Please join us for a fascinating assortment of films that look at jazz from the inside out, reflecting how it has enriched our culture and image abroad and paved the way for the future. We’ll see how politicians, a world-famous war photographer, an Esquire magazine art director, and two German immigrants in search of “schwing” all helped shape the jazz musician’s journey in America. And we’ll take a look at four young women who are changing the jazz landscape and opening doors with their stellar musicianship and exciting performances. Please join us as we celebrate these extraordinary films by pairing them with live performances by emerging jazz artists whose talent is earning them worldwide recognition.
Programmed by Maria Traversa
Sponsored by Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan
Can’t get enough Jazz Sessions? Strike up the band with JBFC Mixtapes, Vol. 14: Blue Note Favorites, now playing on the JBFC Blog and Spotify!

This series is sponsored by:
- Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan