Posted January 5, 2015

Fuel Your Imagination

This is a post by JBFC Volunteer Dotty Battel

pumpAsk yourself why you lack the freedom of choice when it comes to what you put in your car when we know that oil is not even close to being the best fuel for an automobile. So what gives?  Pump, a compelling and illuminating doc, raises our awareness about the alternative fuels which we have every right to know about, and shows us that solutions to our oil addiction are not only possible, but tantalizingly within reach. “Pump will change the way you look at fuel forever.” (NYC Movie Guru)

This lively film draws together detailed research, colorful archival footage, and interviews with experts and ordinary folks to make a case for energy independence “…and argues convincingly that there would be profound wide-ranging benefits if American car owners were in the driver’s seat.” (The Hollywood Reporter)

Q&A Producer Yossie Hollander, cofounder of the Fuel Freedom Foundation

In the meantime, lubricate your interest by watching the trailer below.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”W5HFqAbOgns”]

Pump is screening at the JBFC on Monday, January 12 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are on sale now!

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