Posted February 18, 2016

{Cinemania Student Critic} When Marnie Was There

By JBFC Cinemania Student Critic Shea Stevenson

When Marnie Was There is an Oscar-nominated animated film made by Studio Ghibli, a studio you may recognize as the studio behind movies like Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and many more, but this film is special in the fact that it is the last film produced by Studio Ghibli and as such I carried a bit of bias going into the movie. But please trust me when I write that I think that this is a legitimately good movie, and you, yes you, should watch it. In the interest of ending this review on a high note, I will first delve into the fault of this movie. Some of the voice acting in this movie, while good, was not fantastic, and could have been more convincing. This is a minor problem and the film retains it’s charm and enjoyability. Now on to the pros, of which there are many, starting with the animation; The animation in this movie is some of the best I’ve ever seen. The way everything flows and moves is so natural and fluent that at times it almost looks like a moving painting. This, coupled with the great character design and complex story, makes this one of the best kid’s films in recent memory. I’d recommend this movie to anyone who can appreciate fantastic animation and those who are looking for a kids movie that portrays kids as actual, multilayered people. This film is enjoyable for all ages and, as specified previously, you should watch it.

Due to popular demand, the JBFC has added screening dates for When Marnie Was There. Tickets for screenings on February 19–21 and 23 are on sale now!

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