Posted August 8, 2016

Cast Commentary

Get to know the “cast” here at the Jacob Burns Film Center: the employees, volunteers, and interns who make it possible to bring over 400 films a year to the community.

Featuring Kendra Ekelund, Manager, Theater Operations

What about your job do you find most satisfying?

At the end of my day, I love watching the theater lobby. It’s a joy to see audiences spilling out of films, talking excitedly about what they’ve seen, exchanging ideas and film recommendations, and hugging goodbye, having enjoyed a really beautiful shared experience together. It inspires me daily to do everything in my power to create the best movie-going experience possible.

What about working at the JBFC might people find surprising?

Many people who know I work here think that I have the opportunity to see every film we play, but we actually screen over 400 film titles per year. That’s more than one per day! I’d be lucky to get anything done. Realistically, I manage 2-3 each month. I won’t even tell you how long my Netflix list is. It’s filled with all the titles I’ve missed in previous years. One day they’re going to call me and tell me it’s too big to store.

Talk about an important or influential experience in your life that sparked your interest in film/education/nonprofit work.  (Don’t answer all 3. Choose the option that best suits your job.)

I am supremely passionate about the arts; specifically theater, film, music, dance, and visual art. I believe that absorbing what the arts has to offer enriches and enhances all of our individual contributions to society, whatever they may be. I’ve naturally pursued work that allows me to both engage with the arts and support the communities they serve. I love working to create a beautiful, accessible, bridge between the art and the public.

What’s currently decorating your work space?

Do film schedules count? Haha! Right now, I have a calendar featuring original movie posters from classic Italian films, a Rey bobblehead from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a wind-up toy dinosaur, a photo of Steven Spielberg sitting in Theater Three (from our 10th anniversary year), a toy Dalek, and a toy Adipose (I’m a big Doctor Who fan).

What’s the first movie you ever saw in a theater?

I was seven years old, and my grandmother took me to see Big, starring Tom Hanks. The director, Penny Marshall, went on to make the film dearest to my heart: A League of Their Own.

If you could have a one-on-one dinner with anybody in the world—living or dead—who would it be?

Coincidentally (speaking of A League of Their Own), I would love to have dinner with Geena Davis. I’ve always admired her as an actress, entertainment professional, intelligent human, feminist, and activist.


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