Directed by Academy Award nominee Noah Baumbach (Marriage Story, The Squid and the Whale) and adapted from the novel by Don DeLillo, White Noise tells the story of Jack Gladney (Academy Award nominee Adam Driver), his fourth wife, Babette (Academy Award nominee Greta Gerwig), and their four ultramodern offspring. When a nearby chemical leak causes “The Airborne Toxic Event,” releasing a noxious black cloud over the region, the Gladney family’s comfortable suburban life is upended. At turns hilarious and horrifying, lyrical and absurd, ordinary and apocalyptic, White Noise dramatizes a contemporary American family’s attempts to deal with the mundane conflicts of everyday life while grappling with the universal mysteries of love, death, and the possibility of happiness in an uncertain world.
White Noise
White Noise
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers)
"A manic film of ideas that genuinely sympathizes with — and takes a certain giddiness in — the various coping mechanisms we use to ignore the deathward march of our own lives."
"I never imagined I’d laugh so hard while watching a movie adaptation of Don DeLillo’s White Noise. Baumbach has clearly connected with a latent cinematic quality in the author’s work."
Coming Soon
The Brutalist
Opens 1/17
The Last Showgirl
Opens 1/17
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens in January