Winner of multiple awards, this extraordinary documentary tells the story of Ranjit, a farmer in India as he takes on the fight of his life when he demands justice for his 13-year-old daughter, the victim of a sexual assault. His decision to support his daughter is virtually unheard of, and his journey unprecedented.
To Kill a Tiger
To Kill a Tiger
Q&A with director Nisha Pahuja, moderated by JBFC Curator-in-Chief Ryan Harrington
Tickets: $15 (members), $20 (nonmembers)
Q&A with director Nisha Pahuja, moderated by JBFC Curator-in-Chief Ryan Harrington
Wednesday, Nov. 8 2023, 7:00
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Nisha Pahuja is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker based in Toronto. Her latest film, To Kill a Tiger, had its world premiere at TIFF where it won the Amplify Voices Award for Best Canadian Feature Film. Since then, it’s won 19 awards including Best Documentary Feature, Palm Springs International Film Festival and three Canadian Screen awards. The film grew out of a long career of addressing various human rights issues, notably violence against women in India. In 2015, she won the Amnesty International Media Award for Canadian journalism after making a short film about the Delhi bus gang rape for Global News. Pahuja’s other past credits include the multi-award-winning The World Before Her (2012 Best Documentary Feature, Jury Award Winner, Tribeca Film Festival; Best Canadian Documentary, Hot Docs; TIFF’s Canada’s Top Ten; Best Documentary nominee, Canadian Screen Awards, the series Diamond Road (2008 Gemini Award for Best Documentary Series) and Bollywood Bound (2002 Gemini Award nominee).
This film is part of the Global Watch: Crisis & Social Action series.
This series is sponsored by:
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation
Theodore & Renee Weiler Foundation
This series is presented with generous support from:
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