A loyal woman (Glenn Close, in a role she was born to play) accompanies her insufferably pompous husband (Jonathan Pryce, also terrific) to Stockholm, where he is slated to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. As the story unfolds, layers of their shared history peel back in one compelling way after another. You’ll be surprised and delighted by Close’s unnervingly subtle performance and this whole “smart, supremely watchable, and entertaining film” (The Guardian) from Swedish director Björn Runge and adapted from Meg Wolitzer’s novel of the same name.

The Wife
The Wife
Tickets: $9 (members), $14 (nonmembers)

Open Captioned Screening
Wednesday, Oct. 3 2018, 2:05
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
This is an open captioned screening. Captions will be displayed onscreen for the duration of the film.

Open Captioned Screening
Wednesday, Sep. 19 2018, 1:10
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
This is an open captioned screening. Captions will be displayed onscreen for the duration of the film.

Open Captioned Screening
Wednesday, Sep. 12 2018, 2:10
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
This is an open captioned screening. Captions will be displayed onscreen for the duration of the film.

Open Captioned Screening
Wednesday, Sep. 5 2018, 1:45
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
This is an open captioned screening. Captions will be displayed onscreen for the duration of the film.
Coming Soon
On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
Opens 3/21
Opens 3/21
The Penguin Lessons
Opens 3/28—Tickets on sale now
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Opens 4/4