Academy Award winners Denzel Washington (Fences, Malcolm X) and Frances McDormand (Nomadland, The French Dispatch) star as Lord and Lady Macbeth in Academy Award winner Joel Coen’s (A Serious Man, True Grit) bold and fierce adaptation: a tale of murder, madness, ambition, and wrathful cunning. When a power-hungry Scottish lord becomes convinced by a trio of witches that he will become the next King of Scotland, his ambitious wife supports him in his plans to seize the throne. “Furious and fleet, emotional and elemental, Joel Coen’s stripped-down take on the Scottish play instantly secures its place among the most audacious modern screen adaptations of Shakespeare (David Rooney, Hollywood Reporter).”

The Tragedy of Macbeth
The Tragedy of Macbeth
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
"Sure to seduce audiences"
"Short, sharp, and savage"
Coming Soon
On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
Opens 3/21
Opens 3/21
The Penguin Lessons
Opens 3/28—Tickets on sale now
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Opens 4/4