Brave the frigid temperatures and (possible) snow to bask in the glory of John Carpenter’s ice cold, sci-fi masterpiece! In remote Antarctica, a group of American research scientists are disturbed at their base camp by a helicopter shooting at a sled dog. When they take in the dog, it brutally attacks humans and canines in the camp and they discover that the beast can assume the shape of its victims. A resourceful helicopter pilot (Kurt Russell, Escape from New York, The Christmas Chronicles) and the camp doctor (Richard Dysart, Pale Rider) lead the camp crew in a desperate, gory battle against the vicious creature before it picks them all off, one by one. A horrific update of the Howard Hawks produced The Thing from Another World, the film also has an outstanding ensemble cast featuring Wilford Brimley, T.K. Carter, David Clennon, Keith David, and Richard Masur.

The Thing
The Thing
Tickets: $9 (members), $14 (nonmembers)
Coming Soon
Black Bag
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Universal Language
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On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
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Opens 3/21