The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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  • Friday, Oct 18

  • Saturday, Oct 19

Showtimes updated on Tuesday evenings

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Presented on 35mm

50 years ago, five youths on a weekend getaway in the Texas countryside fell prey to a butcher in a mask made of human skin and his cannibalistic family, and horror cinema would never be the same.

Violent, confrontational, and shockingly realistic, director Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre terrified audiences in a way never thought possible when it was unleashed on a politically and socially tumultuous America in 1974. Facing a storm of controversy, censorship, and outcry throughout its troubled release, this masterpiece of horror has stood the test of time to become a landmark motion picture and cultural milestone.

"Tobe Hooper's 1974 masterpiece took the slasher flick to a freakier, nastier place and even today has the ability to mess with one's mind. Artfully documentarylike and shot under conditions that produced genuinely traumatized performances, the original "Massacre" eschews cheap thrills and attacks the psyche."
Shawn Levy, Portland Oregonian

This film is part of the After Hours series.

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