“In his documentary debut, director Barry Strugatz, a screenwriter best known for 1988’s Married to the Mob, has crafted a brief but disarmingly cordial tribute to an overlooked Tai Chi ‘sifu’ who didn’t believe in kowtowing to convention.” (Los Angeles Times)
Tai chi, an ancient Chinese form of exercise created as a fighting art, is now practiced by millions of people worldwide for relaxation and health. It’s also a way of life and spiritual practice designed to achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit. The Professor: Tai Chi’s Journey West focuses one of its greatest masters, Cheng Man-Ching, who brought the practice to America during the turbulent ’60s. Cheng—a poet, painter, and calligrapher, as well as a martial artist—comes to vivid life in riveting footage of his teachings and in stories told by his former students. You’ll come away from this affectionate, enjoyable portrait with a deep understanding of this master of moving meditation.