Featuring riveting performances from two of French cinema’s biggest stars, this bittersweet drama follows the fraught relationship between Claire (Catherine Frot, Marguerite), a passionate but tightly wound midwife, and Béatrice (Catherine Deneuve) the estranged, free-spirited mistress of Claire’s late father. When Béatrice learns her health is failing, she goes in search of Claire hoping to make amends for abandoning her and her father years ago. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Martin Provost (Violette, Séraphine), The Midwife is a moving, supremely acted story of friendship and forgiveness.
The Midwife
The Midwife
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers), $10 (senior nonmembers)
This film is part of the Senior Afternoon Cinema series.
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Coming Soon
Hard Truths
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The Seed of the Sacred Fig
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I'm Still Here
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Oscar Shorts 2025
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