The Man with Two Brains

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The Man with Two Brains

Q&A with Carl Reiner via Skype

“Steve Martin stars as a brain surgeon in this madcap sci-fi caper that might just be his funniest film.” (Independent)

Carl Reiner and Steve Martin cowrote (with George Gipe) one of Martin’s best comic vehicles, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, the world’s top brain surgeon, who pioneered the radical new cranial screw-top technique. One night Hfuhruhurr takes his eyes off the road and runs down the beautiful femme fatale Dolores Benedict (Kathleen Turner)—but fortunately he’s able to operate and save her life, and before you know it they’re married. But Benedict’s a gold digger and denies her husband’s sexual advances, driving him bonkers. On their honeymoon Hfuhurhurr meets a colleague, Dr. Necessiter (David Warner), who keeps a wide assortment of brains in his laboratory. And this is where the story really gets wacky.

Print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive

We’re thrilled to share Carl Reiner’s latest book projects. You can purchase the two volume book set including Alive at Ninety-Five Recalling Movies I Love and Approaching Ninety-Six The Movies I Love Viewing & Loved Doing from Carl Reiner will personalize each book purchased.

Celebrating Carl Reiner

The beloved comedian, actor, director, and writer Carl Reiner (born on March 20, 1922) has enjoyed a career spanning seven decades and many mediums. Reiner wrote for and acted on Your Show of Shows and Caesar’s Hour in the 1950s. In the next decade, he was best known as The Dick Van Dyke Show’s creator, director, producer, writer, and comic straight man (Alan Brady)His extraordinary film successes began in the 1970s, especially in vehicles cowritten with and starring Steve Martin.

And who can forget his performances—with Mel Brooks in “2000 Year Old Man” and in films including The Russians Are Coming, the Russian are Coming (1966) and the Ocean’s series? Carl Reiner has won nine Emmy Awards and one Grammy.

These days, Reiner is busy with many things, including Twitter, where he maintains a lively presence, recently announcing that he “wants to live until 2020 to vote Trump out of office.” We’re thrilled that he’s taking time to join us via Skype during this celebration!


Q&A with Carl Reiner via Skype
Sunday, Apr. 14 2019, 5:00
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This film is part of the Westchester Jewish Film Festival 2019 series.

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A Foreign Affair

Feb. 20 at 1:30


Opens 2/21


Opens 2/21

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