Terms of Endearment dazzled critics and audiences alike with its believable, insightful story of two captivating people, mother and daughter, unforgettably played by Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger. From grand slapstick to deepest sentiment, director James L. Brooks masterfully paints scenes from their evolving 30-year relationship. Jack Nicholson turns in a great comic performance as MacLaine’s neighbor, a boozy, womanizing former astronaut. Winner of five Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Actress (MacLaine), Best Supporting Actor (Nicholson), Best Director (Brooks), and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Terms of Endearment
Terms of Endearment
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers)
"This is a wonderful film. There isn't a thing that I would change."
"Terms of Endearment is the rare commercial picture that sets audiences to laughing hysterically and crying unashamedly, sometimes within consecutive seconds, and then shoos them out of the theatre in contented emotional exhaustion. "
This film is part of the Shirley MacLaine: Make 'em Laugh, Make 'em Cry series.
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