Ran is the final celebrated masterpiece from legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai, Throne of Blood). A reinterpretation of King Lear, it focuses on a 16th-century ruler (Tatsuya Nakadai, High and Low) who announces that he will divide his kingdom equally among his three sons. In his dotage, he falls prey to the false flattery of the two oldest brothers, while banishing the other (Daisuke Ryu, Kagemusha), the only member of the family who loves him enough to speak the truth. Presented in a stunning 4K digital restoration courtesy of Rialto Pictures.
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the Retro Revival series.
With support from:
Coming Soon
September 5
Opens 1/31
I'm Still Here
Opens 1/31—Tickets on sale now
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens 2/7
No Other Land
Opens 2/7