Paddington in Peru brings Paddington’s story to Peru as he returns to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy, who now resides at the Home for Retired Bears. With the Brown Family in tow, a thrilling adventure ensues when a mystery plunges them into an unexpected journey through the Amazon rainforest and up to the mountain peaks of Peru. Starring Ben Whishaw as the voice of Paddington—the film also stars Emily Mortimer, Olivia Colman, and Antonio Banderas.
Special Offer: Bring your Paddington bear to concessions and get a free small popcorn
FREE Extra Fun: Paddington is making a stop in Pleasantville opening weekend (Feb. 15 and Feb. 16) Pose with Paddington himself (in costume!) for a photo before the first two screenings on Saturday and Sunday of opening weekend. Enjoy fun activity sheets and temporary tattoos, while supplies last. There will also be raffles at select screenings. Prizes feature Paddington Bear dolls, authentic English marmalade from The Hamlet in Mt. Kisco, Paddington books from The Village Bookstore, and four free popcorn and soda coupons.
We also offer Special Combo packs for kids with our delicious popcorn, candy, and chocolate milk! Purchase them at Concessions.