My Dinner with Andre

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Poster for the film MY DINNER WITH ANDRE

My Dinner with Andre

Presented on 35mm

My Dinner with Andre was one of many films Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert championed on their nationally syndicated show. Join Matt Singer, author of Opposable Thumbs: How Siskel & Ebert Changed Movies Forever, for a post-screening conversation about the film, his new book, and the legacy of Siskel & Ebert.

Old friends Wallace (Wallace Shawn) and Andre (Andre Gregory) haven’t seen each another in five years and agree to meet for dinner. Andre, a once well-known theater director, dropped out of the New York scene to travel the world, while Wallace stuck around, finding only mixed success as a playwright. As they sit down to eat, Andre launches into a series of fantastic stories from his time away, and Wallace can’t help but notice how different their worldviews have become.

"They are alive on the screen, breathing, pulsing, reminding us of endless, impassioned conversations we've had with those few friends worth talking with for hours and hours. Underneath all the other fascinating things in this film beats the tide of friendship, of two people with a genuine interest in one another."
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times


Q&A with author Matt Singer
Q&A with author Matt Singer
Thursday, Oct. 26 2023, 7:00
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  • Matt Singer, author of Opposable Thumbs, is the editor and film critic of and a member of the New York Film Critics Circle. In 2011, he won a Webby Award for his work on the IFC News podcast. He is the author of Marvel's Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular, and lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two daughters.
  • In Opposable Thumbs, award-winning editor and film critic Matt Singer eavesdrops on their iconic balcony set, detailing their rise from making a few hundred dollars a week on local Chicago PBS to securing multimillion-dollar contracts for a syndicated series (a move that convinced a young local host named Oprah Winfrey to do the same). Their partnership was cut short when Gene Siskel passed away in February of 1999 after a battle with brain cancer that he’d kept secret from everyone outside his immediate family—including Roger Ebert, who never got to say goodbye to his longtime partner. But their influence on in the way we talk about (and think about) movies continues to this day.
Copies of Opposable Thumbs will be available for purchase after the screening, courtesy of The Village Bookstore.          

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