Mr. & Mrs. Adelman is a poignant comedy-drama that follows Victor and Sarah’s love and marriage—its sweet and bitter chapters alike—over its span of 45 years. When the two first meet, Victor, a gentile and aspiring writer, falls head over heels for the thoughtful young Jewish woman. He is so enamored of Sarah and her family that he decides to take her last name, thinking it will bring him more success. In his ambitious debut feature, Nicolas Bedos deftly explores love, ambition, treason, and secrets through the odyssey of this fascinating couple.
Mr. & Mrs. Adelman
Mr. & Mrs. Adelman
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the Westchester Jewish Film Festival 2018 series.
This series is sponsored by:
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with support from:
Thank you to the following for their generous support:
Froma & Andrew Benerofe
Emily & Richard W. Cohen
Dorian Goldman & Marvin Israelow
Katja Goldman & Michael Sonnenfeldt
Susan & Dr. Elliott Rose
Harriet & Leonard Schleifer
Elisabeth & Gary Schonfeld
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
September 5
Opens 1/31
I'm Still Here
Opens 1/31
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens 2/7