Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry

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Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry

Opening Night with Reception and Book Signing

A beautiful and poignant ode to the changing landscapes and shifting values of rural America as seen through the eyes of American novelist, poet, and activist Wendell Berry. One of our most eloquent defenders of agrarian life, in 1965 Berry bought and moved to a farm in rural Kentucky, where he writes on a long wooden desk overlooking the land. Author of more than 40 beloved books of essays, poetry, and fiction (notably short stories and novels about the town of Port William), he has invited untold numbers of readers into his view of a life deeply rooted in the land. Look & See is a visually stunning ode to a changing cultural landscape, using rare photographs and wood engravings to explore the graceful intersection between art, life, and the natural world.

Join us for a reception and book sale following the discussion. Contributing author Mary Berry will be on hand to sign copies of Letters to a Young Farmer, the first book from Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.


Q&A with Mary Berry, executive director of The Berry Center, and Fred Kirschenmann, board president of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Q&A with Mary Berry, executive director of The Berry Center, and Fred Kirschenmann, board president of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Thursday, Oct. 5 2017, 7:30
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Mary Berry is the executive director of The Berry Center, which she started in 2011 and is putting the writings of her father, Wendell Berry, to work by advocating for farmers, land-conserving communities, and healthy regional economies. Mary and her husband, Steve Smith, raise beef cattle and Large Black hogs in the Little Kentucky River valley.  She is a contributor to the book Letters to a Young Farmer.

For more than four decades, Fred Kirschenmann has been a champion of agricultural resilience, an advocate for soil health, and an organic farming pioneer. His work has helped transform what was once obscure and marginal work—resilient, sustainable agriculture focused on the health and restoration of the soil—into an international movement. He is the board president of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.

This film is part of the Focus on Nature 2017 series.

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