Beginning in the 1980s, a group of idealistic, devoted California hippies banded together to live in harmony under the leadership of a flamboyant, charismatic leader. What could go wrong? One member of the group, the young filmmaker Will Allen, recorded everything for 22 years—from total bliss to moments of weird realizations, to paranoia, and then to revelation—but not, perhaps, the revelation they were all looking for. One of the big hits out of this year’s Sundance Film Festival, Holy Hell is both a gripping and moving documentary about the cult of the Buddhafield, and ultimately asks big questions and eschews easy answers about the nature of spirituality, commitment, community, and the kind of leadership that too often holds it all together.
Holy Hell
Holy Hell
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the The Meditative Life 2016: Consciousness, Spirituality…and the Kitchen Sink series.
This series is presented with generous support from
- the Gail Wagner Shenkman Fund.
The JBFC is grateful to the following donors who have contributed to the Gail Wagner Shenkman Fund:
- Lawrence Abrams
- Natalie Bowden
- Jodi E. Buren
- Susan Chiarulli
- Lisa Crandall
- John A. Credaroli Jr., D.V.M.
- Demas-Graef Family
- Judy & Tom Exton
- Paul & Lori Fichtenbaum
- Steffi & Phil Green
- Amy Grossman
- Nancy Grundman & Jay Grossman
- David S. Hinderstein
- Lisa Jacobson
- Janet Langsam
- Tammi Brown Lauder
- Janet Maslin & Ben Cheever
- Lucille & Paul Maslin Foundation, Inc.
- Jeff & Pam Moskowitz
- Alan & Sharon Pollack
- Bettina Prober
- Florence Sofer
- Ed & Laura Shenkman
- Jamie Shenkman & Chris Magadini
- Barry Shenkman
- Lynda Shenkman-Curtis
- Jeremiah & Jo-Ann Taylor
as of 5/24/2016
Meditative Life Community Partner
Coming Soon
Nickel Boys on 35mm
Opens 1/3—Westchester Exclusive!
The Brutalist
Opens 1/10
The Room Next Door
Opens 1/10—Westchester Exclusive!
Hard Truths
Opens in January