In 2016, the Noordbrabants Museum in the Dutch city of Den Bosch held a special exhibition devoted to the work of Hieronymus Bosch, who died 500 years ago. Bosch lived his entire life in the city, causing uproar with his fantastical and utterly unique paintings in which hell and the devil always played a prominent role. In preparation for the exhibition, a team of Dutch art historians crisscrosses the globe to unravel the secrets of his art. Using special infrared cameras in the hopes of establishing which of the paintings can be attributed with certainty to Bosch himself, the experts shuttle between Den Bosch, Madrid, and Venice, cutting their way through the art world’s tangle of red tape, in a battle against the obstacle of countless egos and conflicting interests.

Hieronymus Bosch, Touched by the Devil
Hieronymus Bosch, Touched by the Devil
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the FrameWorks 2017: Art on Film series.
Coming Soon
Black Bag
Opens 3/14
Universal Language
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On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
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Opens 3/21