A freewheeling narrative enacted almost entirely through movement and music, Marta Renzi’s Her Magnum Opus is the award-winning choreographer’s (and longtime friend of Jonathan Demme) ode to creativity and community. Presiding over the festivities is Aileen Passloff, a grey-haired force of nature playing a version of herself. A diverse cast weaves in and out of her home, including a devoted younger friend (dancer Arthur Avilés), a pregnant dancer, a young couple in need of counseling, even a fairytale prince who pops out of a pile of autumn leaves. A tantalizing mix of magical realism and improvised naturalism, the film unfolds in bucolic settings—a beach, a forest, and a country house which holds emotional ties for the group as a source of inspiration and solace.

Her Magnum Opus
Her Magnum Opus
Q&A filmmaker Marta Renzi
Tickets: $9 (members), $14 (nonmembers)
Q&A filmmaker Marta Renzi
Tuesday, Apr. 3 2018, 7:35
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Marta Renzi has choreographed and edited over 20 short films, which have won awards in more than 100 festivals both nationally and internationally, including the prestigious Dance on Camera Festival at the Film Society of Lincoln Center. She is the creator of two seminal videodances, You Little Wild Heart (PROCIREP prize winner at Cannes), and Mountainview (in collaboration with maverick filmmaker John Sayles). Renzi is a 2013 Bogliasco Fellow and a seven-time recipient of funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Coming Soon
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Universal Language
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