The fourth installment of the Harry Potter series finds Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) wondering why his legendary scar is aching and perhaps even causing mysterious visions. Harry’s wishes for an uneventful school year are shattered when he is unexpectedly chosen to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, a risky contest in which he must compete against older, more skilled students, including fellow Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory (a pre-Twilight, pre-Good Time Robert Pattinson). What Harry doesn’t realize is that the most feared wizard in the world, Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes, Skyfall, The White Crow), is anticipating the tournament, as well.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers), $10 (students), $8 (children age 13 and under)
Potter-thon Ticket Package
Saturday, Sep. 28 2019, 12:00
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Save 10% when you purchase a ticket package of 6 or more Potter-thon films!
$9.00 (JBFC members), $13.50 (nonmembers), $7.25 (children age 13 and under)
This film is part of the JBFC Potter-thon series.
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Opens 12/6—Westchester Exclusive!
Opens 12/6
Opens 12/13
Oh, Canada
Opens 12/13