“Extraordinary filmmaker Alice Rohrwacher, who took the Cannes Film Festival by storm with her first two features Corpo Celeste and The Wonders, has returned with another ethereal vision of life in rural Italy. Rohrwacher shapes an enchanting world around Lazzaro, seamlessly blending authenticity with fable-like surrealism. The film takes a bold, unexpected jump that solidifies it as a piece of pure movie magic. I saw Lazzaro over three months ago, and I’ve thought about it every day since! You don’t want to miss the chance to see this on the big screen—in all of its dreamlike glory.” — Nicole Klein, Special Events Coordinator
Pure-hearted, cherubic teenager Lazzaro (first-time actor Adriano Tradiolo) is content living as a sharecropper on a remote tobacco farm in the Italian countryside, where his good nature and decency makes him both cherished and exploited by those around him. When the marquise’s rebellious son arrives, an unlikely friendship changes Lazzaro’s world. Written and directed by Alice Rohrwacher (The Wonders, Corpo Celeste) and executive produced by Martin Scorsese, Happy as Lazzaro is the winner of the Best Screenplay Award at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.