Jeremy Rumas’s Hangs Upon Nothing is a documentary about experiencing life on earth as a surfer. The film follows several groups of surfers including Chuck Corbett, an American who left everything behind at the age of 18 to go surf the remote atolls of Kiribati—and wound up staying there for 30 years, the Jones brothers from Hawaii, who explore Kiribati in search of perfect waves, and a group of young kids from the surf mecca of Bali, as they grow up amongst a sea of tourism, development, night life, and surf. Shot on gorgeous 16mm film with a Bolex RX5 made in 1967, and filled with stunning music by Velo Sun, Hangs Upon Nothing, is a hypnotic, one-of-a-kind, cinematic experience you won’t soon forget.
Hangs Upon Nothing
Hangs Upon Nothing
This film is part of the We Got Game: Sports on Film series.
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