In a remote forest ashram in southern India, students from around the world gather to learn from Swami Dayananda Saraswati, an influential Indian monk dressed in saffron robes, who unfolds the ancient Hindu wisdom of Vedanta (one of the philosophical roots of yoga). A sensual and quiet depiction of life at the remote forest ashram where chores, meditation, ritual, and rigorous study are woven together seamlessly, the film immerses the viewer in a place of extraordinary beauty and simplicity. Gurukulam is a rare invitation to look, listen, and experience a contemplative rhythm of life as old as the Bhagavad Gita and as new as present-day India.
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the The Meditative Life 2016: Consciousness, Spirituality…and the Kitchen Sink series.
This series is presented with generous support from
- the Gail Wagner Shenkman Fund.
The JBFC is grateful to the following donors who have contributed to the Gail Wagner Shenkman Fund:
- Lawrence Abrams
- Natalie Bowden
- Jodi E. Buren
- Susan Chiarulli
- Lisa Crandall
- John A. Credaroli Jr., D.V.M.
- Demas-Graef Family
- Judy & Tom Exton
- Paul & Lori Fichtenbaum
- Steffi & Phil Green
- Amy Grossman
- Nancy Grundman & Jay Grossman
- David S. Hinderstein
- Lisa Jacobson
- Janet Langsam
- Tammi Brown Lauder
- Janet Maslin & Ben Cheever
- Lucille & Paul Maslin Foundation, Inc.
- Jeff & Pam Moskowitz
- Alan & Sharon Pollack
- Bettina Prober
- Florence Sofer
- Ed & Laura Shenkman
- Jamie Shenkman & Chris Magadini
- Barry Shenkman
- Lynda Shenkman-Curtis
- Jeremiah & Jo-Ann Taylor
as of 5/24/2016
Meditative Life Community Partner
Coming Soon
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