Legendary filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu’s hilarious Technicolor reworking of his silent I Was Born, But . . . , Good Morning (Ohayô) is the story of two young boys in suburban Tokyo who take a vow of silence after their parents refuse to buy them a television set. Shot from the perspective of the petulant brothers, Good Morning is an enchantingly satirical portrait of family life that gives rise to gags about romance, gossip, and the consumerism of modern Japan.

Good Morning
Good Morning
Presented on 35mm
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers), $13 (senior nonmembers)
"Ozu makes silence his very subject. In warm and humorous scenes, it emerges as the abyss of the generation gap; but here, Ozu stands his own ironic inversions on their head."
This film is part of the Senior Afternoon Cinema series.
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