Seen through the eyes of 15-year-old Jamil Sunsin, Colossus reveals the devastating personal impact of America’s immigration policies on one Jersey City family. When Jamil’s parents and sister are deported, he becomes an activist whose personal experience and courage in advocating for family reunification provide an intimate, inspiring lens on a timely issue.
Q&A film subject Jamil Sunsin and Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, with Westchester Community Foundation Executive Director Laura Rossi, followed by a reception
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
Q&A film subject Jamil Sunsin and Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, with Westchester Community Foundation Executive Director Laura Rossi, reception
Thursday, Mar. 14 2019, 7:00
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Steve Choi is currently the Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, a coalition of nearly 200 member groups that represents New York State’s immigrant communities. Mr. Choi has doubled the size of the organization’s budget and staff, now overseeing the nation’s largest state immigrant rights coalition and serving as New York’s chief advocate on immigrant rights, education, civic participation, and health care access on the Federal, state and local levels.
This film is part of the Community Matters: Now More Than Ever series.
This series is sponsored by:
The Thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation
Theodore & Renee Weiler Foundation