Beneath the Silence

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Beneath the Silence

When Menashe returned from the Six-Day War, he was a changed man. His former commanders and fellow soldiers explain that he’ll be back to himself in time. But six years later, in 1973, Menashe is still suffering from acute PTSD, which was not recognized as a serious medical condition at the time. While he realizes that he will never be the man he was before the war, and his wife struggles to get help from the military, their 10-year-old son wonders why Menashe is so different from all the other fathers he knows. When the Yom Kippur War breaks out and Menashe is sent to the battlefield again, the family is tested one last time. A deeply touching, award-winning drama on a very important subject.

This film is part of the Westchester Jewish Film Festival 2018 series.

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Universal Language

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