A Jewish Girl in Shanghai, based on Wu Lin’s superb popular graphic novel, is the first animated film from China to depict the Holocaust. This beautifully crafted story offers a rare glimpse of Shanghai’s Little Vienna—the neighborhood where 30,000 Jewish refugees found shelter during WWII. The story centers around the extraordinary friendship between Rina, a feisty and independent European Jewish schoolgirl and A-Gen, a courageous teenage Chinese pancake seller, who teach each other about their different worlds as Shanghai struggles under the harsh Japanese occupation. Director Wang Genfa’s beautifully drawn traditional animation gives us a fresh, cliché-free perspective on these historical events, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions. Winner of China’s Golden Cartoon Award Best Chinese Film prize, this film is appropriate for all ages (but do note that it has subtitles).
Preceded by Kitty and Ellen
Leah Galant 2016. 16m. NR. US.
“In the short documentary Kitty and Ellen, the dynamic friendship of two Holocaust survivors takes us through powerful memories of their past and the impact of the 2016 election. Ultimately, the powers of friendship and humor are what make these women a resilient force during tumultuous times.”