Heartbreaking, moving and uplifting, this groundbreaking documentary series presents an incredible living social history of modern Britain. In this latest installment, filmmaker Michael Apted returns to visit the people whose lives he’s been chronicling since they were seven years old. Featuring more of the original film subjects than ever before, we discover what has happened to the group over the last seven years and what life has thrown at them in their sixties.
63 Up
63 Up
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
"There's great pleasure in revisiting this series, seeing who turned out just fine and sometimes better than you might have expected or hoped."
"So beautiful and bittersweet."
Coming Soon
The Brutalist
Opens 1/10
The Room Next Door
Opens 1/10—Westchester Exclusive!
Hard Truths
Opens in January
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens in January