35mm Projection
Hear from one of our projectionists about why screening 35mm film is so important:
The print projected on the screen was perfect. Jacob Burns screen presentation, whether projecting a film print or digital projection, is always superior to every other cinema.” – JBFC Member
“The picture was GORGEOUS! The sound was MAGNIFICENT! It was the best experience we have had since Day 1 watching the film.” Michael Moore about Fahrenheit 9/11
“When making films we spend an inordinate amount of time and energy on how the film looks and sounds, particularly the 3D films that are going to be shown on giant screens. It’s such a drag when you take all of that hard work into a theater that doesn’t take look and sound as seriously. I’ve screened several films at Jacob Burns — including Antarctica 3D, On the Edge — and am always blown away by how good they look and sound.” Jon Bowermaster