The Uncondemned tells the gripping and world-changing story of a group of young international lawyers and activists who fought to make rape a crime of war, and the Rwandan women who came forward to testify and win justice where there had been none. Up until this point, rape had not been prosecuted as a war crime and was committed with impunity. A courtroom thriller and personal human drama, The Uncondemned beautifully interweaves the stories of the characters in this odyssey, leading to the trial at an international criminal court—and the results that changed the world of criminal justice forever.
The Uncondemned
The Uncondemned
Q&A Sara Dareshori with Stephen Apkon
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
Q&A Senior Counsel for Human Rights Watch Sara Darehshori with JBFC Founder Stephen Apkon
Thursday, Dec. 1 2016, 7:30
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Sara Darehshori is Senior Counsel for Human Rights Watch. Her most recent work in Washington, DC, helped lead to the Sexual Assault Victims Rights Amendment Act of 2014, landmark legislation improving police response to sexual assault in the District of Columbia. Before joining Human Rights Watch, Darehshori worked as a prosecutor in the first trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and as a corporate litigator in New York.
This film is part of the Global Watch 2018: Crisis & Social Action series.
This series is sponsored by:
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation
Theodore & Renee Weiler Foundation
This series is presented with generous support from:
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens in January
I'm Still Here
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Oscar Shorts 2025
Opens 2/14