Abigail Disney’s directorial debut follows the journey of Reverend Rob Schenck, an anti-abortion activist and fixture on the political far right, who breaks with orthodoxy by questioning whether being pro-gun is consistent with being pro-life. Along the way, Rev. Schenck meets Lucy McBath, the mother of Jordan Davis, who is trying to make sense of her devastating loss while using her grief to effect some kind of viable and effective political action. The Armor of Light follows the two as they bravely attempt to make others consider America’s gun culture through a moral lens. The film is also a courageous look at our fractured political culture and an assertion that it is possible for people to come together across deep party lines to find common ground.
The Armor Of Light
The Armor Of Light
Tickets: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers)
This film is part of the Community Matters: Now More Than Ever series.
This series is sponsored by:
The Thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation
Theodore & Renee Weiler Foundation
This film is sponsored by:
Coming Soon
The Brutalist
Opens 1/17
The Last Showgirl
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Hard Truths
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The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens in January