A cyborg (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent into the past to protect Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and her teen son John (Edward Furlong) from a new advanced model cyborg T-1000 (Robert Patrick) in a bid to stop a future war between humans and the intelligent machine SkyNet.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 3D
Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 3D
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers)
"Cameron's achievement isn't only technical. He's using all the not-so-cheap thrills of a violent genre to make a movie with an antiviolence message, and the wonder of T2 is that he pulls it off without looking silly."
This film is part of the Big Trouble in Little Pleasantville series.
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
September 5
Opens 1/31
I'm Still Here
Opens 1/31
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens 2/7