For many of us, Jamaica Bay is the anonymous body of water we fly over near JFK. But it’s New York City’s largest open space (larger than Central Park, Prospect Park, and Van Cortlandt Park combined), a surprisingly rich ecosystem that provides vital habitat for hundreds of migratory bird species and countless other flora and fauna, and an irreplaceable recreation site for many of the surrounding communities. It is also the epicenter for the local conversation about the long-term implications of global climate change and environmental mismanagement. In the process of rediscovering their historical relationship to the water and natural habitats of Jamaica Bay, local residents in Queens and Brooklyn have been transformed into urban environmentalists now struggling to preserve this priceless resource…and their way of life. Narrated by Susan Sarandon.

Saving Jamaica Bay
Saving Jamaica Bay
Q&A with Panel Discussion

Q&A Dan Hendrick, Nava Tabak, and Roger Osorio with JBFC Programmer Karen Sloe Goodman
Thursday, Oct. 20 2016, 7:30
This event is over. View all of our upcoming events.
Dan Hendrick is a producer, project founder, and codirector of Saving Jamaica Bay.
Nava Tabak is a conservation scientist with Scenic Hudson, where she works to protect and promote the resilience of the Hudson River’s tidal wetland systems.
Roger Osorio is Groundwork Hudson Valley’s youth program assistant
This film is part of the Focus on Nature 2016 series.
This series is presented in partnership with:
Focus on Nature is made possible through generous support from the van Hengel Family Fund and the National Endowment for the Arts, and is presented in partnership with Scenic Hudson and Groundwork Hudson Valley.
Coming Soon
On Becoming a Guinea Fowl
Opens 3/21
Opens 3/21
The Penguin Lessons
Opens 3/28
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Opens 4/4