Based on David Grann’s bestseller, The Lost City of Z tells the incredible true story of early-20th century British explorer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam, Crimson Peak), who discovered evidence of a previously unknown advanced civilization in the Amazon. Ridiculed by the scientific community, which regarded indigenous populations as “savages,” Fawcett—supported by his wife (Sienna Miller, High-Rise), son (Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Homecoming), and assistant (Robert Pattinson, The Childhood of a Leader)—repeatedly returns to the jungle in an attempt to prove his case. An epic tale of courage and obsession by James Gray (The Immigrant).
The Lost City of Z
The Lost City of Z
Tickets: $8 (members), $13 (nonmembers)
Coming Soon
The Brutalist
Opens 1/17
The Last Showgirl
Opens 1/17
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens in January