Groundbreaking ballerina Misty Copeland brings her new short film Flower to the Jacob Burns Film Center, straight from its premiere at the TriBeCa Film Festival!
Misty Copeland stars alongside Babatunji Johnson and former Dance Theatre of Harlem and Complexions Contemporary Ballet principal dancer Christina Johnson. Paying homage to Black silent films of the 1920s, Lauren Finerman (Ballet 422, Paper Birds) directs a poignant, dialogue-free story about a young woman named Rose (Copeland), who has had to place her dreams on hold as she cares for her ailing mother Gloria (Johnson), who is living with dementia. As Rose struggles to keep a roof over their heads, she watches the neighborhood around her fade away—much like her mother’s memory—until the mysterious Sterling (Johnson) helps to highlight the everlasting culture of community and the power of strength through unity, bringing Rose renewed hope for the future.