Darkest Hour is a thrilling and inspiring true story set during the early days of WWII. As the seemingly unstoppable Nazi forces advance and the Allied army is cornered on the beaches of Dunkirk, the fate of Western Europe hinges on the leadership of the newly-appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman). While maneuvering his political rivals, he must confront the ultimate choice: negotiate with Hitler and save the British people at a terrible cost or rally the nation and fight on against incredible odds. Award-winning filmmaker Joe Wright (Pride and Prejudice, Atonement) directs Oldman in a brilliantly nuanced, powerhouse performance. Also featuring standout performances from Ben Mendelsohn and Kristin Scott Thomas, Darkest Hour documents how one man successfully rallied a nation, changing the course of world history.
Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour
Nominated for 6 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor in a Leading Role
Tickets: $9 (members), $14 (nonmembers)
Coming Soon
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The Last Showgirl
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Hard Truths
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The Seed of the Sacred Fig
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