Directed by three-time Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg, Bridge of Spies is the story of James Donovan (Tom Hanks), a Brooklyn lawyer who finds himself thrust into the center of the Cold War when the CIA sends him on the near-impossible task to negotiate the release of a captured American U-2 pilot. Screenwriters Matt Charman, Ethan Coen, and Joel Coen have woven this remarkable experience in Donovan’s life into a story inspired by true events that captures the essence of a man who risked everything. Bridge of Spies stars two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks, three-time Tony Award winner Mark Rylance, Academy Award nominee Amy Ryan, and Academy Award nominee Alan Alda. The film is produced by Spielberg, Marc Platt, and Kristie Macosko Krieger.
Bridge of Spies
Bridge of Spies
Tickets: $15 (members), $20 (nonmembers)
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
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September 5
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I'm Still Here
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