A tale of outsized ambition and outrageous excess, directed by Academy Award winner Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash). Featuring an ensemble cast including Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Diego Calva, Jovan Adepo, Li Jun Li, and Jean Smart, Babylon traces the rise and fall of multiple characters during an era of unbridled decadence and depravity in early Hollywood.
Nominated for 5 Golden Globes, including Best Picture - Musical/Comedy
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers)
"Chazelle's film is a cinematic marvel, evidence enough that movies are magical, as it sweeps us into the beautiful, terrible world we recognise as Hollywood even now."
"Babylon mostly operates in a structure of set pieces, thoroughly earning its not-a-minute-too-long runtime—a whopping 189 minutes—and it’s packed to the gills with stunning craftsmanship."
Coming Soon
Hard Truths
Opens 1/24
September 5
Opens 1/31
I'm Still Here
Opens 1/31
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Opens 2/7