In the fourth film by Jean Epstein (The Fall of the House of Usher, Mauprat), good triumphs over evil in this melodrama set against the backdrop of the Marseille docks. A young orphan, Marie (Gina Manès, Napoleon), suffers great hardships throughout her life starting when she’s adopted by an exploitative bar owner. Marie grows up to work for the man as a servant in his tavern and as a barmaid, she’s chased after by the worthless lay about, Petit Paul. She eventually marries Paul even though she is secretly in love with kind dockworker, Jean. Originally a film theorist and author, Epstein set out to direct films as a way to explore the ideas he’d put to paper. With Coeur Fidèle, he set out to create, a melodrama, “so stripped of all the conventions ordinarily attached to the genre, so sober, so simple, that it might approach the nobility and excellence of tragedy.”
Coeur Fidele (The Faithful Heart)
Coeur Fidele (The Faithful Heart)
Q&A JBFC Artist-in-Residence Emelie Mahdavian & Sean Weiner
Tickets: $9 (members), $14 (nonmembers)
Q&A JBFC Artist-in-Residence Emelie Mahdavian & Sean Weiner
Monday, Dec. 17 2018, 7:00
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Emelie Mahdavian is a filmmaker and Fulbright scholar whose work has been supported by Sundance Institute, Tribeca Film Institute, Doc Society, Cinereach, and many others. She produced, wrote, and edited Midnight Traveler, which will premiere in the World Cinema Documentary Competition at Sundance Film Festival 2019. Her feature documentary After the Curtain premiered at Lincoln Center as part of the 44th Dance on Camera. Her experimental motion capture dance film Intangible Body, exploring censorship of women’s dance in Iran, was exhibited at museums and international festivals. Emelie studied Filmmaking at London Film School, and has a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis, where she also teaches Film Studies and Cinema and Digital Media.
Creative Culture receives support from:
The Farbman Family Foundation
Stephanie Lynn & Mark Kleiman
Gary Winick Memorial Fund
Bob Goldberg & Betsy MacIsaac
Robert & Penny Apter
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